I don't have much time for recreational reading these days with grad school and all but I have gotten through some of my TBR list and can share a couple books I read prior to condemning myself to textbooks and peer reviewed journals... I'm calling this little mini series WIRBGS (what I read before grad school). First up: Just Kids by Patti Smith.
This memoir granted me insight to a rather peculiar pair and their relationship. This book is immersive and rather intimate.. something I both admire and feel a little strange about. I definitely enjoyed it but along the way felt that despite their hardships (and yes it's clear they were not strangers to adversity), both Patti and Robert harbored privilege and were presented with opportunities BIPOC artists of their time did not have access to.
I will also say that a big pull is really the (not so) subtle name drops and celebrities these two were in proximity to. I can't say their art alone would captivate me enough to keep reading. Maybe that's harsh but I'm struggling to see beyond their white privildge. Additionally, I felt quite underwhelemd after reading descriptions of certain things and then seeing the actual images. I have not read Patti’s other work but I’d still like to. I did enjoy her writing style- that I won't deny.
If you've read this and care to share your thoughts with me, feel free.
With love and solidarity,