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May Roundup

Hello again friends!

I am back with another monthly roundup- a little late but here nonetheless. May served as a month of acclimation for me, I've been getting used to having more free time, going out on my own, and also working through some personal things. That being said, most of May was fun and I can only hope June is just as good to me.

Let's get into it:

What I've been listening to (pt. 1):

What I've been listening to (pt.2):

What I've been reading:

What I watched/am watching:

Things I like:

Coming up in June:

Thank you:

This concludes the May roundup! Thanks again for taking the time to read this, it means so much to me. I'd love to hear from you, so pretty please consider this an open invitation.

Until next time.

With love,



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